It’s been a minute since I’ve blogged or posted, but I needed a minute. We all did. We all do, still. This year has been mentally draining for everyone no matter if it was being affected by COVID, police brutality, racial discrimination, . . . & so much more. 2020 has been so transparent. I see things more clear and for that I am grateful. After taking a break from blogging and social media, here’s a few lessons that I’ve learned:

  • Dont’ ever think that it can’t happen to you. Because it can. 2020 proves it.

  • People will blame almost EVERYTHING on COVID19. If you don’t wanna do something, just say no. Don’t say its because of COVID because one day COVID will be gone and you will have to blame it on something else. You don’t have to explain yourself to nobody but the Lord himself. Just say, no!

  • After all that’s going on, people still want to put other people down. But these are the times that we should be lifting one another up.

  • Never say, “it CAN’T get any worse.” lol Because it can. 2020 has also proven that!

  • Check on one another., especially your strong friends. Don’t wait for someone to send you a text. We are all in this together.

  • I got my MARC JACOBS tote stolen. straight from my cart at the grocery store with EVERYTHING in it. “But you live in one of the nicest areas/cities”, they say. Well we are living in crazy times so never say never. But that is another blogpost for another day.

  • Lastly, don’t question GOD. His ways are not our ways.

Through it all & some, God never fails. In all the world’s mess, there is a message. If you think that you have it bad, it’s probably not bad AT ALL. Someone, somewhere has it much worse. Story time, the week my purse was stolen, I was driving home and SAW a fatal car crash. I immediately thought, “Oh girl! your purse being gone is replaceable but someone’s life isn’t.!” I began to thank God over and over with so much gratitude. Things were put into perspective for me, real quick yet again as if the things happening in the world wasn’t already weighing so heavily on my heart. I’m thankful & grateful for the lessons learned!

So, what have you learned during this quarantine? Share your thoughts with me!!